White chunks rock salt

Weight 55 – 110 lbs

35 – 65 $

Jumbo packing comes with 2 packing 25 & 50 kg ( 55 & 110 ) lbs. Specially design for those veterinary store’s who want to make in their own packing under their requirements.

White Crystal Salt Large Chunks

As the name mentions, SM Salt offers White Crystal Salt Large Chunks small Himalayan White Crystal Salt Large Chunks for small pets. These Himalayan White Rock Salt Chunks help rock salt crystal benefits these pets i.e. rabbits, mice, chinchilla, Djungarian himalayan crystal rock salt benefits hamster, Guinea pig, Roborovski hamster, Gerbil etc. easy to lick.

If you are troubled by your pet’s unbalanced salt rock lamp benefits nutrition and disliking himalayan crystal rock salt benefits of drinking water, SM Salt animal mineral lick salt is the solution. Get your little pet a salt lick block now and see the rock salt crystal benefits yourself.

Snow White Chunks

Our salt blocks are mined White Crystal Salt Large Chunks from mineral veins deep in the Himalayas Snow White Chunks. White salt chunks rock salt crystal benefits all hang on ropes, and you could hang them at any height you want.

These mineral rick salt licking blocks have up to 84+ trace minerals Himalayan crystal rock salt benefits which can give your pet a range of essential salt rock lamp benefits minerals including calcium, zinc, and iron.

Himalayan White Rock Salt Chunks

These blocks will encourage Himalayan crystal rock salt benefits your pets to drink! CRYSTAL WHITE SALT CHUNKS makes White Crystal Salt Large Chunks people thirsty, and so do your small pets. WHITE PINK HIMALAYAN SALT CHUNKS PIECES mineral rock salt crystal benefits rick salt licking blocks will make your pet drink Himalayan crystal rock salt benefits sufficient water. The more they lick, the more water they’ll drink, which could solve the problem of your pet not drinking salt rock lamp benefits water, hence boosting metabolism.

Pink and white Rock Salt Crystal Rocks Chunks

Our animal mineral rick salt licking blocks are hard, and would not melt White Crystal Salt Large Chunks when exposed rock salt crystal benefits to heat so they could be used in the long run.

Lastly, our salt blocks Himalayan crystal rock salt benefits or white rock salt bulk bag are organically mined salt rock lamp benefits from the mountains of the Himalayas making every block a unique piece. They are all Himalayan Pink rock salt crystal benefits and white Rock Salt Crystal Rocks Chunks.